On International Rare Disease Day (Feb 29), PHDers proudly flew the PHD flag and #RareDisease tees along Kite Beach in Dubai to raise awareness for an important cause.
In 2011, PHD launched its Big Hug initiative to reflect values close to our hearts. Over the years, PHD agencies have raised millions in donations and contributed thousands of hours to good causes around the world. Being a part of the initiative allows our employees – PHD-ers to give back to the community and make a difference.
As an agency, we strongly stand with the belief that generosity, community spirit, and offering help without being asked are essential characteristics of a virtuous organization that we strive to be.
Our offices take part in a diverse range of charities that support different causes every year. This February, our PHDers participated in a community walk to mark the occasion of Rare Disease Day 2020. Taking part in the meaningful, fun-filled event allowed us to support a worthy cause and share a message of solidarity with the rare disease community.
Being involved in Big Hug initiatives such as this presents a fantastic opportunity for us to realize the causes that we’re passionate about, make an impact, as well as bond with other like-minded colleagues in the process!
Giving back matters.