PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Melbourne launches ‘Let’s Melbourne Again’ campaign alongside other industry agencies
October 30 2020

PHD Melbourne launches ‘Let’s Melbourne Again’ campaign alongside other industry agencies

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With Melbourne’s lockdown restrictions finally starting to ease, an array of brands and media outlets have banded together to reinvigorate the city and build confidence amongst residents to leave their homes and help the economy recover.

PHD, OMD and Clemenger BBDO Melbourne are the agency forces behind the initiative, which has brought on board brands including Coles, AFL, Myer, McDonald’s, Carlton Draught, Tennis Australia and ANZ. Over the coming weeks, all businesses involved will launch a range of activities set to spark the city to life once more.

Launching the ‘Let’s Melbourne Again’ initiative is a campaign film created by a number of Melbourne-based filmmakers and photographers filming themselves getting ready to emerge from lockdown in their homes.

Free ‘Let’s Melbourne Again’ collateral will also be provided to small businesses looking to get involved and provide their own offers to customers returning to the city streets.

PHD’s general manager, Simon Lawson, commented: “Victorians have been incredibly resilient in the face of this pandemic, and as we get closer to our new COVID-safe normal we need to take a moment to celebrate Melburnians and the city we all love, and use this opportunity to build the anticipation and excitement of getting back out there and supporting Melbourne’s return to the vibrant city that we know it to be.”

The campaign is being conducted with Victoria’s new COVID-19 restrictions in mind, ensuring that continuing to slow the spread of the virus is the number one priority for all residents and businesses.


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