PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Singapore scoops three awards at Marketing Excellence Awards
December 10 2020

PHD Singapore scoops three awards at Marketing Excellence Awards

Award Wins

Back for the ninth year, MARKETING Magazine’s Marketing Excellence Awards is designed to recognise and reward Singapore’s outstanding marketing campaigns.

PHD Singapore secured Gold and two Bronze for their work with HSBC. In category Excellence in Integrated Marketing, PHD picked up Gold for their HSBC ‘#BringMeAlong’ Credit Cards campaign.

To add to their awards tally, PHD collected two Bronze trophies for their HSBC ‘More than a Personal Loan’ campaign: the first for Excellence in Interactive Marketing / AR & VR, and the second for Excellence in Mobile Marketing.

All awards are judged solely by an independent panel of senior, client-side marketers, and is a premier platform for marketers to showcase their creative excellence, successful strategies and effective delivery.


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