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February 9 2022

Stacy Chan hosts panel on OEMs and navigating CTV advertising

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Not long ago, TV manufacturers were mainly focused on making screens larger, thinner and higher definition. But with the advent of smart TVs, OEMs are playing a more prominent role, acting as the discovery engine that connects consumers with content.

To find out how, Stacy Chan, Head of Digital Marketplaces at PHD US, joined Magnite’s TV100 series to chat with leaders from LG Ads Solutions, Samsung, and Vizio about how OEMs will be able to help advertisers better understand the content they are buying, how they play a crucial role in search and discovery, and how they are differentiating themselves in the eyes of the consumer.

Click below to watch the video:

Featured in this video:

-Serge Matta, president of LG Ads Solutions
– Joe Melaragno, head of platform sales & agency development at Samsung
– Travis Hockersmith, VP of platform+ at Vizio

First published by AdWeek as part of Magnite’s TV100 Series.

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