PHD Media China > News > PHD China’s campaigns for Google, VW and Unilever receive Global, Regional and Local recognition
May 24 2019

PHD China’s campaigns for Google, VW and Unilever receive Global, Regional and Local recognition

All News Awards & Accolades

Over the course of the past month, PHD China has received a total of 12 accolades for its work at global, regional and local industry competitions. These awards comprise five AME Global Awards, three Internationalist Awards for Media Solutions, two Digital Media Awards China, one Festival of Media APAC Award, and one Festival of Media Global Award.

On a global stage, PHD China’s campaign for Google Translate, ‘Secret Menu’, was awarded Gold at the Internationalist Awards for Media Solutions. Partnering with foreign restaurants across China, the campaign allowed customers to scan, translate and unlock a ‘secret menu’, driving a quarter of the year’s total app downloads in just two weeks.

The agency’s ‘T-Dance’ campaign for Volkswagen Group won Silver for its viral dance-challenge that inspired millennials across China to submit their own dances, gathering over two billion views.

Additionally, the agency’s “Smiles in the Spotlight” campaign for Unilever oral care brand, Zhonghua, won “Best Launch Campaign” and also took home a Bronze for its use of content to reposition the product as ‘makeup for your smile’, leading to an 83% increase in key brand attributes among young Chinese women.

These wins contributed to PHD being the most successful network at this year’s competition, with a total of 13 awards bestowed on PHD agencies across the world. The Internationalist Awards for Innovation in Media celebrates the boldest, brightest and most effective work in the world, with approximately 400 cases submitted from 34 locations worldwide.

In the same week, AME Global Awards also bestowed five awards on PHD China’s work. Two Volkswagen campaigns were celebrated, with ‘Play. Share. Connect’ picking up two trophies in the Gamification and Automotive categories and ‘T-Dance’ also receiving two in the Digital/Mobile as well as Social Video categories. Additionally, Zhonghua‘s ‘Smiles in the Spotlight’ won in the Sponsorship category. The competition judged over 500 entries from 20 countries.

At Campaign’s Digital Media Awards China, Google’s ‘Secret Menu’ and Volkswagen’s ‘T-Dance’ took home two Gold awards, while The Festival of Media APAC awarded Zhonghua’s ‘Smiles in the Spotlight’ a Silver in ‘Best Use of Content’.

Speaking on the wins, PHD China CEO, Anna Chitty, commented: “We are thrilled to have so many of our campaigns being recognised by the industry locally, regionally and globally. These accolades validate our efforts to create best-in-class work for our clients and only motivate us to continue innovating, creating and ‘Finding a Better Way’ for our clients in China.”

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