PHD Media France > News > ‘Chasing Genius’…PHD and GSK launch initiative to inspire genius solutions
June 6 2017

‘Chasing Genius’…PHD and GSK launch initiative to inspire genius solutions


National Geographic’s first-ever scripted series, ‘Genius,’ retells the life story of legendary intellectual, Albert Einstein.

With creative solutions within the field of science being at the heart of the series, PHD partnered GlaxoSmithKline with National Geographic to inspire fans of the show to unleash their genius.
As part of the series debut, we crafted “Chasing Genius,” a digital and social platform that launched shortly after the airing of the first episode.

Through the online hub, fans are encouraged to submit ideas aimed to solve big challenges including sustainability, global health, and hunger. The three ideas to create the most conversation and engagement will be selected for development. Additionally, the three individuals who generated the winning ideas will be awarded $25,000.

The initiative focuses on building conversation on the content of the show while our partnership has been designed to bring to life the science and innovation behind GSK’s signature products – Excedrin®, Sensodyne®, and Flonase® Sensimist™.
You can read the full article published on Variety here.

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