PHD Media France > News > Mark Holden: “There is going to be a renaissance in creativity in our industry”
November 4 2021

Mark Holden: “There is going to be a renaissance in creativity in our industry”


After revealing that marketers spend most of their time reporting, Mark Holden, PHD’s Worldwide CSO, tells Resume magazine why it’s time to rethink marketing and where creativity fits in. 

In a recent study conducted for its latest book, Shift | A Marketing Rethink, PHD revealed that reporting is fast becoming the main function of brand marketers.  

Per the results of the study, in which PHD and WARC interviewed 1,721 brand marketers around the world, there has been a 57% increase in the number of marketing organizations investing in reporting capabilities – up to 88%, compared to 51% ten years ago.

Marketers also said they spend more time on planning (with 83% of organizations investing in this capability) – up 69% over the last 10 years.

Additionally, time spend planning has increased 69% globally since 2011, while executing is now the fifth most regularly carried out task (81%).  

But while marketing has evolved, how might things continue to change in the future? 

In this interview, republished from Resume magazine, Mark Holden, PHD’s CSO, digs deeper into the research, examines the trends, and explains why it’s time for a creative renaissance.  

Click here to read the interview.

Marketing has changed.
You need to too.

Learn how in Shift | A Marketing Rethink.

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