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Our latest publication

Shift | A Marketing Rethink

Advancements in data and technology, combined with the disruption of a global pandemic, have radically reorganized the world of marketing communications.

From how people are consuming media and the techniques used to engage with them, to how we in marketing actually work together.

As an industry, it is important that we try to get ahead of the change and stop just responding to it. To think longer term. To start building the future, today.

This is the ambition of Shift.

Bringing together the opinions of leaders from across the world of marketing communications and exclusive research, Shift offers an informed view of what lies ahead to help marketers, and their agencies, rethink marketing for tomorrow, today.

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Our other publications

Overthrow II | 10 strategies from the new wave of challengers

Twenty years after the concept of the challenger brand was coined – and seven years after we first visited the challenger narrative in the original Overthrow – a new wave of challengers has been changing the way the categories around us think and behave.

Overthrow II explores the 10 different challenger strategies, or narratives, used most powerfully today, each of them embodied in interviews with incisive leaders who have used them to break through in their market. We look at the strategic principles that each follows, the media behaviors they practice, and the part that today’s big themes like technology, data, culture and creativity play.

What’s your challenger type? Take the challenger quiz to find out, and learn more about Overthrow II at overthrow2.com.

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Merge | The closing gap between technology and us

Over the next thirty years, technology will be more disruptive than ever before due to drastic hardware advances and AI breakthroughs. While developments like the disappearance of devices and emergence of virtual environments may sound like science fiction, our merge with technology virtually and biologically will happen sooner than you think.

With a foreword by futurist and author Ray Kurzweil, Merge investigates the five stages of our unification through exclusive interviews with inspirational business leaders, world renowned academics and pioneering researchers.

Identify what needs to be done today to prepare for a tomorrow when humanity and technology are inextricably linked.

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Predestination | Where we are all heading

At PHD, we believe that looking to the future can help us think differently about today. We need to escape the tendency to interpret forthcoming technology with current tools.
Co-founder of Wired magazine Kevin Kelly’s latest book The Inevitable explores 12 tech trends that will shape our future. In Predestination, we further investigate eight of these developments, including virtual reality in the home, an on-demand economy and artificial intelligence embedded into everything.

By understanding and embracing these trends and the prospects they provide, we can arrange our relationships with technology for maximum benefit.

Sentience | The Coming AI Revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here, and it’s getting smarter all the time. With the predicted rise of the sentient VPA making purchasing decisions for us, brands will have to adapt to marketing algorithms instead of consumers.

Our exploration of AI saw us collaborate with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web, who shared his views on an AI-enabled future when he joined PHD at Cannes Lions.
In Sentience: The Coming AI Revolution and the Implications for Marketing, we address the incredible potential for marketers and what they can do now to prepare.

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Mind Trip | Propelling marketers into the future to help address the problems of today

At PHD, we believe that looking into the future can jolt us into thinking differently about today.

Together with futurist and techno-philosopher Jason Silva – host of Brain Games, National Geographic Channel – we invited marketers to come on a Mind Trip and gaze a few decades into the future, to 40 or 50 years away, where things such as nanotech and biotech will be commonplace.

Overthrow | 10 ways to tell a challenger story

There is more to being a challenger brand than David vs Goliath. Telling the story of ‘Small vs Big’ is indeed one kind of potentially successful challenger narrative, but only one – and not the most frequent, despite its brand mythology.

Overthrow is an exploration by eatbigfish and PHD of the 10 most common successful challenger narratives; what they share, how they differ, and how they should structure their media behaviors in today’s highly connected world.

What type of challenger are you? Find out

Read Overthrow
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