PHD Manchester > News > Marketers spend more time reporting than creating
September 3 2021

Marketers spend more time reporting than creating


A study by PHD and WARC suggests that reporting has come to dominate the focus for marketing organizations and agencies.

Surveying 1,721 senior marketing practitioners, across the world, the PHD Shift study saw a 57% increase in the number of marketing organizations ‘regularly carrying out’ reporting functions – up to 88%, compared to 51% ten years ago.

Reporting tasks included areas such as tracking campaign performance and ongoing competitive analysis.

Surprisingly, reporting had overtaken origination as the most carried out function. Marketers also said they spend more time on planning (with 83% of organizations regularly carrying out this capability), up 69% over the last 10 years.

Looking ahead, over the next ten years, origination functions are set to overtake reporting – becoming the most dominant function type again (albeit reimagined through technology).

Ultimately, machine-learning will enable junior creatives to operate as if they are an executive creative director – platforms that will auto-produce a range of assets, allowing the creative teams to decide which ones they want to run with.

PHD’s research forms part of the company’s latest book, Shift | A Marketing Rethink. Inside, PHD sets out to help marketers and agencies rethink the way that they structure their marketing, and how to reorganize and rebuild for the future. 

The new book was inspired by interviews with some of the most renowned leaders and innovative thinkers in marketing communications, including Les Binet, Byron Sharp, Dave Trott, and brand marketers such as Diageo’s Isabel Massey, Unilever’s Conny Brahms, Volkswagen’s Stefan Buescher, and HSBC’s Suresh Balaji.

For more information, and to buy the book, visit shiftbyphd.com.

First published: www.campaignlive.co.uk

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