
Genesis Energy: Reading more than the weather​

  • Genesis Energy
PHD Media New Zealand > Work > Genesis Energy: Reading more than the weather​

Weather phenomenon discovery boosts Genesis Energy customer acquisition

Genesis Energy: Reading more than the weather

The situation:​

Despite being lucrative and highly competitive, the energy sector is one of the lowest interest categories in marketing from a customer perspective. In fact, many Kiwis don’t even know which one is their provider! How could we improve conversion rates for Genesis Energy without relying on a done-to-death pricing strategy? In this case, leveraging market insight through bespoke data analytics was the key.

The approach:​

We knew customer behaviour was influenced by cold weather, but we needed to work out exactly how, as well as how to transform this general knowledge into a specific campaign strategy to capture and increase customer conversion. Tens of thousands of data points and countless hours of analysis led to the discovery of a phenomenon we dubbed ‘temperature shock’, which describes a shift in weather patterns giving rise to an opportunity ripe for pitching the Genesis Energy message to a receptive audience. Through custom innovations and strategic relationships with appropriate media partners we developed a seamless region-specific process to respond to sudden changes in the weather and pivot the advertising message accordingly. This resulted in a measurable increase in customer acquisition for Genesis Energy.


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