PHD Media Nicaragua > News > PHD wins most campaign categories at the M&M Global Awards 2021
septiembre 17 2021

PHD wins most campaign categories at the M&M Global Awards 2021

Eight wins and six highly commended across PHD network

PHD UK, Touché!, PHD Australia, PHD Global Business, subsidiary Sid Lee Media Canada, and PHD US were all triumphant at the 2021 M&M Global Awards this week, taking home eight awards and six highly commended accolades. The results meant PHD was the agency with the most campaign category wins.

PHD’s honours spanned ten different categories, claiming victory in eight. PHD UK picked up three of those victories in the Automotive category, Financial & Utility Services, and Best Campaign led by Traditional Media.

PHD’s 2021 M&M Global Awards Winners:

Best Campaign for Automotive: ‘ID.3 – Eating Pollution’, PHD UK for VW ID.3

Best Campaign for Financial & Utility Services: ‘Addressing the “No Fixed Address” problem’, PHD UK for HSBC UK

Best Campaign for Tourism & Travel: ‘Vacation Intervention’, Sid Lee Media Canada for Air Transat

Best Campaign led by Content: ‘Continental Cook Up’, PHD Australia for Continental

Best Campaign led by Data: ‘Ladies, Rule the Road’, Touché! Canada for Can-Am On-Road

Best Communication Strategy: ‘Ladies, Rule the Road’, Touché! Canada for Can-Am On-Road

Best Campaign led by Traditional Media: ‘ID.3 – Eating Pollution’, PHD UK for VW ID.3

Best Integrated Campaign: ‘Power Further, Together’, PHD Global Business and OMGDOOH for The North Face

PHD’s 2021 M&M Global Awards Highly Commended:

Best Campaign for Technology & Telecommunications: ‘Hum to Search’, PHD US for Google Search

Best Campaign led by Content: ‘Reimagining the future of STEM’, PHD Australia for Australia’s Women in STEM Ambassador

Best Campaign led by Talent: ‘Continental Cook Up’, PHD Australia for Continental

Best Campaign led by Talent: ‘Year in Search’, PHD US for Google Search

Best Commuication Strategy: ‘Vacation Intervention’, Sid Lee Media Canada for Air Transat

Best Campaign led by Traditional Media: ‘Vacation Intervention’, Sid Lee Media Canada for Air Transat

The M&M Global Awards reward the best-in-class in international media and marketing. The categories focus on work in the industry from sectors ranging from finance and FMCG to automotive and sport, campaigns based around media channels, successful partnerships, communication strategies, and social impact.

See the full list of 2021 M&M Global winners here.


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