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July 2 2020

PHD Australia and H&R Block launch ‘The Big Questions’ campaign

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With the recent droughts, bushfires, floods, and now Covid-19, 2020 will not be your average tax year. With various stimulus packages and people working from home, there are going to be a lot of people with a lot of taxing questions.

In response, PHD Australia and The Works have launched an integrated campaign for H&R Block, demonstrating that 2020 will be anything but an average tax year due to the financial impacts of the global pandemic on individuals and business owners.

Louise Cummins, marketing and digital innovations director at H&R Block said: “We know more Australians than ever will have big tax questions this year. We wanted to show our tax experts across the country have the answers and are ready to secure maximum tax refunds. We’re excited that this campaign speaks to what our clients want during this time and what H&R Block can deliver.”

Questions such as ‘What are the rules around job keeper payments?’, ‘I’m working from home, what can I claim?’ and ‘What cash flow boost is available to my business?’ are just some of the issues H&R Block’s experts can help with when it comes to filing annual tax returns.

Jack Geddes, business director at PHD commented: “We noticed early on in the pandemic that search behaviour across both Google and H&R Block sites had shifted significantly this year.

“While the questions surrounding tax tend to change every year, the volume and unique nature of enquiry this year signalled the need for a new approach. Campaign messaging has shifted and we have built out a new content hub across the H&R Block site to ensure these questions can be answered easily by their experts.”


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