PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Australia talent joins MFA’s Television Foundations course as trainers
July 2 2020

PHD Australia talent joins MFA’s Television Foundations course as trainers

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The Media Federation of Australia (MFA) has launched a Television Foundations course to ensure member agencies are prepared for changes in the way TV advertising is traded, and three members of PHD Australia have joined as trainers for the course.

MFA Television Foundations is an industry recognised training programme that sets a standardised benchmark for television media buying proficiency. Its aim is to support MFA agency members with the necessary training required by the increasing complexity of TV trading.

PHD Australia’s Tahnee Fleming, Annabel Gelardi and Benni Lucas are some of the 2020 MFA Television Foundations trainers delivering content to agency members.

Running over 10 weeks, MFA Television Foundations will cover the ins and outs of TV planning and trading; factors influencing the cost of TV; evaluation, measurement and reporting; and broadcast video on demand (BVOD).

Registration is now open for the twice-yearly, online course, with the inaugural semester starting on 13 July and the Spring semester in September 2020.

“In a constantly changing media landscape, TV trading remains an extremely important skill for the media industry,” MFA chief executive Sophie Madden said.

“TV will soon be traded in new and dynamic ways and the MFA’s ambition is to ensure media buyers are ready for the changes.”

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