PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD champions #BalanceforBetter across the network for International Women’s Day
March 15 2019

PHD champions #BalanceforBetter across the network for International Women’s Day


On 8th March PHD offices around the world recognised International Women’s Day and the IWD 2019 theme of #BalanceforBetter – the idea that we must all work together to create higher standards, to strive for gender-balanced teams, businesses and boardrooms.

PHD teams across the network created a variety of inspirational and empowering activities offline and online. They encouraged open conversations, shared thoughtful op-eds, amplified the #BalanceforBetter messaging on social media, organised and attended events, and overall wholly embraced International Women’s Day.

Maria Paz Arosemena, PHD LATAM, and Sheila Oliveira, HP

Maria Paz Arosemena, Group Account Director at PHD LATAM, and PHD client Sheila Oliveira, LATAM Digital Marketing Manager at HP, joined efforts to share their thoughts on the day and how, as female leaders, they are empowering the women around them:

“As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we feel proud to be part of companies that have diversity and inclusion as part of their core values. Working together as long-term business partners in the Latin America emerging countries, we share the same responsibility to continue to empower women and celebrate our day.

This special date makes us feel re-energised to continue our efforts to be a voice, and as women in leadership positions, to promote an inclusive and democratic world; empower women regardless of social class, race, beliefs; and encourage our children and the future generations to live one life, reinvent their stories, be their best and follow their dreams.”

Here is an overview of some of the IWD activities that took place at PHD throughout the week:

PHD Worldwide

PHD Worldwide scheduled a week’s worth of internal and external activities, starting with a takeover of the PHD social media channels with IWD messaging, such as transforming the agency’s mantra ‘Finding a better way’ into ‘Finding a better way balance’ and sharing the global ratio of 43% female leadership.

PHD also shared photos of Mike Cooper, CEO PHD Worldwide, and Elda Choucair, CEO PHD MENA, in the #BalanceforBetter pose.

PHD Belgium

Every woman at PHD Belgium received an A3 poster with a quote individual to them. The posters were then distributed around the building – along the corridors, in meeting rooms, in the cantina, etc. – for people to see all day.

PHD China

Anna Chitty, CEO PHD China, gave a speech on ‘finding a better balance’ and gave women the opportunity to sign a poster board on what changes they want to see to help improve this balance. PHDers then had a session with snacks and a floral bouquet-making workshop.

PHD China

PHD Ireland

All of the incredible female PHDers came together for a group photo to share on Instagram.

PHD Italy

PHD Italy

Italy hosted a session at Google for all female PHDers using the format of and resources from Google’s #IamRemarkable initiative, which focuses on empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

PHD Manchester

The team in Manchester tuned into the livestream of the Omniwomen UK + Allies event, which featured a programme of speakers and sessions focusing on supporting and celebrating diverse paths to leadership.

PHD New Zealand

PHD New Zealand wanted to acknowledge the many fabulous, creative and smart women they work with – their clients! They hand-picked a selection of female-authored books, each one tailored to appeal to the different interests and personalities of each client. They also hosted a special IWD celebration in the sun for the women and men of PHD NZ.

PHD Pakistan

PHDers shared anonymous notes of appreciation and support for their female colleagues. They also wrote the script for and participated in the OMG Pakistan video of women talking about their pledge to love, respect and honour themselves.

PHD Pakistan

PHD Portugal

The Portugal office shared messaging across social media and hosted an International Women’s Day lunch for the team.

PHD Spain

Spain shared stats across social media on their female PHDers, and created two video interviews with a Brand Lead and a trainee to highlight some of the amazing women contributing to the team.

PHD Sweden

Along with a variety of social media posts, PHD Sweden celebrated with an exhibition/cocktail event featuring images of women and men throughout history who have helped moved society towards equality. The event included a quiz with a grand prize of two tickets to see Michelle Obama speak.


Erin Kelley, PHD US

Charli Ursell, Head of Transformation at PHD UAE, moderated ‘The Way Forward’ panel at the Omniwomen UAE event. PHD MENA CEO Elda Choucair also featured as one of our #PeopleofPHD on Instagram.


Erin Kelley, Associate Director on the Hormel account out of our Chicago office, owns a baking company and made some amazing #BalanceforBetter and Omniwomen cookies for the occasion.

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