PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Estonia appoints Liisel Vatsel as Managing Director
June 8 2021

PHD Estonia appoints Liisel Vatsel as Managing Director


In response to the rapid changes currently being experienced in the advertising industry, PHD Estonia has brought in Liisel Vatsel as managing director, effective immediately.

Before joining PHD, Liisel led an international marketing team for Personal Loans and Cards in a rapidly growing Estonian fintech company, Inbank, and was co-owner and founder of the beloved brand, Vahvlihaldjad.

Sean Hoban, Managing Director for Central and Eastern Europe at Omnicom Media Group, explained, “Liisel’s management experience, character and convincing knowledge in the field of technology was essential in bringing her to PHD. At a time of rapid development and change in the communications environment, e-commerce and technology, media agencies need to be one step ahead. I am convinced that Liisel’s knowledge and energy will allow PHD to lead the way for its clients.”

Liisel Vatsel added, “The days of traditional media planning are over. You can no longer expect outstanding results by doing things the same way they were done at the beginning of this century. We should expect to continue exponential growth in digitalisation, and my main mission on joining PHD is to help businesses do exactly that – to make a leap. It is an honour and such a delight to be part of a global team of media and marketing professionals and help share this expert knowledge to the Estonian market.”

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