PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Italy launches “AI ♥ Women” book at Diversity Media Awards 2019
May 28 2019

PHD Italy launches “AI ♥ Women” book at Diversity Media Awards 2019


PHD Italy will preview their new book on 28 May 2019 at the gala evening of the fourth Diversity Media Awards in Milan. PHD Italy has partnered with the DMAs, who recognise the representation of diversity in the media.

PHD Italy’s editorial project, “AI ♥ Women” was born with the aim of stimulating and amplifying the female contribution to innovation against any “gender gap” in terms of representation, visibility and authority.

“AI ♥ Women” is a collection of exclusive interviews with leading female figures in the world of science and technology on topics including AI, robotics, data science, and machine learning, and studied in depth from the point of view of research, companies, communication and training.

These portraits exhibit stories of excellence, tenacity, enthusiasm and pioneering in an industry still often viewed as primarily masculine.

The innovative and inspiring female contributors include:

Chiara Burberi, co-founder and CEO of Redooc

Silvia Ferrari, Director of the LISC (Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Controls) of Cornell University

Cecilia Laschi, Professor of Industrial Bioengineering at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa

Federica Gregori, co-founder of Metaliquid

Valeria Cagnina, co-founder and mentor of OfpassiON

Eleonora Carta, co-founder and CEO of The Energy Audit

Barbara Caputo, Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology and Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin

Francesca Rossi, AI Ethics Global Leader IBM Research

Cristina Pozzi, co-founder and CEO of Impactscool

Benedetta Arese Lucini, founder and CEO of Oval Money

Rita Cucchiara, Director of the CINI National Laboratory (National Interuniversity Informatics Consortium) AIIS (Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems)

The “AI ♥ Women” book is edited by Alessandro Lacovara, MD, PHD Italy and Marialuisa Pezzali, journalist, Radio 24 and Il Sole 24 Ore; and is available in bookstores from 6 June 2019.

All proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to non-profit organisation, Fondazione Mondo Digitale. FMD’s mission is to promote the sharing of human knowledge, social innovation, and social inclusion, with particular attention given to categories at greatest risk of exclusion.

The complete project can be viewed at www.phdmedia.com/italy/ai-love-women/

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