PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD scoops third Media Network of the Year title for 2018
March 14 2019

PHD scoops third Media Network of the Year title for 2018

Award Wins News

PHD has been named Campaign’s inaugural EMEA Media Network of the Year 2018, following a year which saw the agency win 132 pitches across the region, onboard 275 new employees and win 73 industry awards. While the award has been in Asia for the last 25 years, this is the first year Campaign has awarded it for the EMEA region – making PHD the first recipient of the title.

PHD’s new Media Network title follows on closely from recent wins at Eurobest and Cristal. Accolades for their Volkswagen work saw PHD named Media Network of the Year at Eurobest in December. PHD UK’s ‘Rammed with Confidence’ campaign for Volkswagen took home two Golds and one Bronze in the Use of Integrated Media, Excellence in Media Execution, and Automotive categories.

Just days later, PHD picked up Media Network of the Year at Cristal Festival 2018, as well as Media Agency of the Year for Touché!PHD.

Ian Clarke, CEO of PHD EMEA said: “It is a great honour to be recognised by Campaign. 2018 has been a phenomenal year for PHD EMEA. We are immensely proud of our continued business growth and would like to thank all our employees, our clients and partners for their belief and commitment in PHD. At the heart of our acceleration is PHD’s mantra, vision, our culture of finding a better way in all that we do. Our outstanding year is testament to all our PHD EMEA talent who aspire to do exactly this for our clients every single day.”

Mike Cooper, CEO of PHD Worldwide said: “Winning one Media Network of the Year title was tremendous, but to have now won three in a single year is evidence that PHD is not only a challenger brand at scale, but a challenger at the cutting edge of creativity, strategy and innovation. The award-winning work we have created for our clients and the award-winning teams we have working behind the scenes are the key to our network success – and I look forward to seeing what heights they take us to next.”

PHD had more success at Campaign Agency of the Year awards with Mike Florence, PHD’s chief strategy officer, taking home the Media Planner of the Year award.

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