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March 6 2019

Oscar Dorda, PHD Spain MD, looks at the automotive industry: changes, changes and more changes


What I think will go faster is the connectivity of the car to the new digital capabilities and that’s another gap to cover, basically because if done well, it opens a door to the world of data and individualisation with tremendous potential.” (Oscar Dorda, Managing Director, PHD Spain)

Oscar Dorda, Managing Director, PHD Spain

I think about our cluttered world of communication, with all the changes that just keep coming, and I think about how our industry adapts and transforms, allowing brands to speak in a more personal way to consumers. Every day is more demanding and influential, and this is certainly true of the automotive sector. If we add to this the issues with GDPR and various politically-motivated decisions, then we can begin to see what users are worried about.

Clearly there are many key trends that mark the changes in the automotive sector. On the one hand we have changes in consumer habits; for example, the feeling of ownership vs. use, so new needs are established and we are already seeing changes in sales formulas focused on ‘renting’, which in turn also helps those uncertainties about which fuel to choose!

These issues have a different impact if you live in large cities, like Madrid or Barcelona for example. I believe that there is still a way to go, infrastructures to create and that it is a real need in other areas sufficiently solved by alternative energy engines. Everything will come.

It is always good to understand and look at what consumers do, and they say they still prefer combustion engines – the spectacular sales figures are clear in 2018. However, in large cities having alternatives for mobility is necessary, and therefore new services of eco rent and ‘carsharing’ have appeared. What I think will go faster is the connectivity of the car to the new digital capabilities and that’s another gap to cover, basically because if done well, it opens a door to the world of data and individualisation with tremendous potential.

The original article is in Spanish and appeared in controlpublicidad.com.

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