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April 24 2020

PHD Worldwide’s James Buckle joins panel at The Drum’s #DTFest

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As businesses grapple with the physical challenges of a coronavirus world, digital-first companies have an opportunity to flourish. However, as sensitivities around consumer engagement, brand recognition, and advertising strategies continue to change, understanding how and when to transform can be challenging. That’s why PHD’s Head of Digital Services, Global Business, James Buckle joined Barcadi’s Stacy Gratz and DoubleVerify’s Tanzil Bukhari to discuss one of the challenges – brand safety best practices.

In the session, which was part of The Drum’s Digital Transformation Festival, James and his fellow panellists discuss how best to adapt to the dynamic changes. Key takeouts from the discussion were the importance of data-driven insights and collaboration.

You can watch the session here.

To find out more about The Drum’s festival, which offers insights from the world’s biggest brands and brightest thinkers, click here.

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