PHD Media Singapore > News > PHD hosts virtual APAC Festival to map future ways of unified working
September 1 2020

PHD hosts virtual APAC Festival to map future ways of unified working

News Our People

At the end of August, over 1,500 PHD employees in APAC came together virtually for the first time to kickstart the inaugural PHD APAC Festival. A five-day event, the festival was hosted by the PHD APAC Community Leads and festival-goers were treated to an action-packed agenda throughout the week.

  • Day 1 – PHD APAC CEO, James Hawkins delivered an opening speech where he shared his vision for PHD in the region.
  • Day 2 – Manon Pietra, joined by agency leaders across the region, shared PHD’s People First approach and the vast training opportunities that will be available to the network.
  • Day 3 – Chris Stephenson and Alberico de Nardis led the Product Community session and showcased the new game-changing features of Omni Studio, PHD’s unique operating tool.
  • Day 4 – Garth Farrar and Chloe Hooper took the stage to celebrate the growth of PHD and how to best shout about work and achievements.
  • Day 5 – Kel Hook interviewed talent from around the region, demonstrating the investment into best practice client service solutions.

PHD China dialed in to the virtual PHD APAC Festival

PHD offices across the region brought the festival to life in their own unique ways. PHD Malaysia kicked off the week with a socially-distanced launch party while at PHD China, the festival was live-streamed in their offices in Beijing and Shanghai.

“We have never been so connected as a network and I am extremely proud of everyone who have been part of this week. In what has been a difficult year for many, we have come together to collaborate and support one another. This is only the beginning,” said James Hawkins, PHD APAC CEO.

Scindya Datt, festival attendee and AD Strategy and Innovation at PHD Singapore, added, “2020 has seen more disruption than any other year of my career. However, a week like this really highlights to me PHD’s dedication to finding the opportunity in every challenge. The strength and talent of the region and our ability to make the leap as a region together really shone through and I am excited to be part of this journey.”

The PHD APAC Festival will run annually as the network continues making the leap with unparalleled strategic thinking, driven by a culture of innovation, creativity and collaboration.

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