PHD Media Singapore > News > PHD Singapore’s ‘Finding a Buried Treasure’ campaign for SAP wins Gold at WARC Media Awards
January 11 2019

PHD Singapore’s ‘Finding a Buried Treasure’ campaign for SAP wins Gold at WARC Media Awards

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PHD Singapore’s ‘Finding a Buried Treasure’ campaign for SAP has won Gold at the WARC Media Awards 2018, making it one of only four global campaigns to win a Gold in the Data category this year.

The campaign also picked up one of three special awards bestowed this year – the Personalisation Special Award for being “the best example of a campaign that used data to segment effectively.”

Challenged with sluggish growth, rising alternatives for enterprise solutions, and shorter key decision-maker lifespans in a category that tends to have long lead times, SAP and PHD had to work together to find a better way to spark growth.

The award-winning campaign, ‘Finding a Buried Treasure’, increased leads for SAP and decreased their cost-per-lead by tracking executives’ job changes and continuing where it left off with the executives previously exposed to SAP, rather than approaching them as fresh leads just because they changed companies.

View the full list of 2018 WARC Media Awards winners here.

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