It’s been a mixed week for the key players in the online market. Twitter and Facebook were on the front foot in the struggle to contain disinformation through social channels, closing Chinese accounts attempting to destabilise the situation in Hong Kong, while TikTok found itself drawn into the political situation in Kashmir. Meanwhile, Amazon was questioned over non-recyclable packaging and saw a backlash to their worker Ambassador programme.
- Apple is set to toughen up ad tracking rules.
- Instagram wants hackers to test out its new shopping feature, upping its ‘bug bounty’.
- Facebook premiered new cinema ad formats.
- Twitter introduced a new feature to follow topics and also launched six-second viewable video ads.
- YouTube is ending the practice of manual music copyright claims, cutting off a music industry revenue stream, and moving power into the hands of the creators.
- Catch up on all the news from Gamescom, including some exciting developments for Google’s Stadia.
- Snapchat partnered with a location company to report on behaviour of car buyers.
- Here’s how Vimeo is looking to succeed as the ‘anti-YouTube’.
- Hand-tracking technology could translate sign language.
- New VR game ‘Westworld Awakening’ lives up to VR’s promise.
- Kohl’s is now selling Insta-famous DTC brands through their retail stores.
- How can we compete with robots in the age of automation?
- What creativity looks like in marketing today.