
No Fixed Address Bank Accounts

  • UK
PHD United Kingdom > Work > No Fixed Address Bank Accounts

When you don’t have a home, it’s hard to get a bank account. 

When you don’t have a bank account it is hard to access government benefits and wages, as well as having a safe space to keep your money.

To remove these barriers and break this cycle, HSBC UK offers a ‘No Fixed Address’ service (NFA), partnering with various charities – including Shelter – who essentially then act as the applicants’ home address. 

Our media needed to grab the attention of more than one audience. 

  • Those who needed the ‘no fixed address’ banking service 
  • and those who were sympathetic to homelessness and may be in a position to help 

So, we executed a campaign that was spearheaded by media that appeared exactly where the problem is usually found.

At the centre of the campaign were a series of specially-designed bus shelter vinyl wraps across the country

We used OOH footfall data to choose every site based on; 

  1. its vicinity to highly populated residential zones (to maximise footfall of people working from home during COVID lockdown)
  2. areas with the highest rates of homelessness 
  3. their proximity to HSBC UK branches which offered the ‘no fixed address’ banking service.

These sites were further amplified the on the streets with more disruptive formats which highlighted the message of the struggles homeless people face without access to financial services.

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