
Audience Management

PHD Media Denmark > Services > Audience Management

What it is

For us, Audience Management is about the construction of audiences: from panel-based audiences to size the entire market through to the creation of custom audiences.

We combine data sets, bringing first-, second-, and third-party data sets together into one environment: the ‘Omni Audience Explorer’.  

Additionally, we push the audience into a range of other Omni applications, all within a data-compliant way.   

Our extended capabilities include scoring audiences based on purchase propensity and building second-party audiences through negotiated cleanroom environments with external companies.

How it leads to growth

We know that high-quality audiences and richer insights dramatically enhance the overall performance of clients’ campaigns.

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Our services

Commerce Planning and Execution

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Commerce Strategy

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Content Development

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Data Analytics

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Implementation Planning

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Inventory Management

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Investment Planning

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Measurement and Reporting

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Media and Ad Operations

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Media Negotiation, Buying and Bid Management

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Organizational Consultancy

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Sponsorship and Partnerships

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Strategic Planning

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Technology Consultancy

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Our work

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