PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Australia’s Manon Pietra wins a Campaign Asia Women Leading Change award
July 9 2020

PHD Australia’s Manon Pietra wins a Campaign Asia Women Leading Change award

Award Wins Our People

PHD Australia’s People and Development Director Manon Pietra was named a Young Business Leader winner at Campaign Asia’s Women Leading Change Awards.

APAC’s change makers, leaders, achievers and rising stars honoured at these Awards have shown outstanding leadership and fostered groundbreaking innovation in the media and marketing industry.

Pietra picked up the Young Business Leader accolade, one of the 11 individual category awards. The Awards also feature two special categories, one company category and two campaign categories.

Pietra has previously helped PHD Australia win a Talent Management award from the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) Awards, Australia’s most prestigious HR awards programme.

PHD Australia’s ‘Unlocking Smarts through Self-Leadership’ initiative demonstrated a positive shift in retention, engagement and satisfaction of staff, which was measured both internally and at industry level. AHRI said “the learnings provide a starting point for the rest of the industry to re-think millennial engagement.”

Pietra was also part of the team recognised as an ABA100 Winner in The Australian Business Awards 2019 in not one, but two categories: HR Management (HRM) and Employer of Choice (EOC).

See the full list of Campaign Asia’s Women Leading Change Awards here.

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