PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Hong Kong and PHD China pick up Gold, Silver and a special award at WARC Media Awards for Effective Use of Tech
January 23 2020

PHD Hong Kong and PHD China pick up Gold, Silver and a special award at WARC Media Awards for Effective Use of Tech

Award Wins News

PHD has added to its 2019 WARC Media Awards tally with a Gold and a Special Award for PHD Hong Kong and a Silver for PHD China in the Effective Use of Tech category.

PHD Hong Kong’s two wins came for their work on The Irreplaceable Home Taste, a campaign for seasonings brand Knorr that used innovative In-Video Ad Insertion Technology to connect with OTT audiences (audiences streaming via internet, rather than TV) at pivotal moments of emotional engagement during a popular sitcom, without disrupting the viewing experience. Knorr successfully converted audiences from the leading brand, saw a 21% increase in click-through rates and 4% increase in market share one month post-launch.

The campaign picked up a Gold in the Effective Use of Tech category, which showcases communications that have effectively used or combined emerging platforms or technology in the media mix, contributing to the overall business success of the campaign. The PHD Hong Kong campaign also secured one of the jury’s Special Awards – the Early Adopter Award.

PHD China picked up a Silver for Google Translate’s The Secret Menu campaign. Amid a highly cluttered and competitive mobile app market in China, and with almost no presence in search results, Google Translate was looking to drive downloads of its app and increase brand awareness. Google Translate partnered with China’s biggest lifestyle app, Dianping, and popular foreign restaurants around China to create a Secret Menu that could only be unlocked with Google Translate’s mobile app. The campaign achieved a total of 602m impressions, and achieved 750,000 downloads of the Google Translate app in just two weeks.

Read more details of all the winners in the Effective Use of Tech category in the WARC Media Awards here.

The WARC Media Awards’ final category winners, for Effective Use of Partnerships & Sponsorships, will be announced next week.

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