PHD Media Worldwide > News > Happy teams, resolutions and what 2021 will look like
December 15 2020

Happy teams, resolutions and what 2021 will look like

Monaz Todywalla became PHD India’s CEO in September amidst a global pandemic. As Todywalla enters her third decade in the industry she talks to Indiantelevision.com’s Mansi Sharmi about her strategies for the fast-growing and successful media agency.

Lockdown came with its own challenges and this has been the fastest learning experience of my life. One of the most enjoyable things about being here is that PHD is a young agency and doesn’t have many traditional roots, unlike my previous organizations. The team is younger and the culture is more enthusiastic, promoting rapid learning.

For the short term, my whole focus is on taking care of the mental and emotional wellbeing of my employees. I believe a happy and passionate team working in a positive environment is far more capable of delivering great things.

COVID-19 has transformed our industry massively: digital has grown manifold, trust has become a large factor impacting client-agency relationships, purpose-led commerce continues to accelerate, and consumer behavior has changed, probably forever.

As we head into 2021, on a personal note, I want the year to be a period of hyper-learning and new experiences. For PHD India I want to create improved business models based on the core competencies of media, creativity, innovation, and science.

For Monaz Todywalla’s full interview with Indiantelevision.com click here.

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