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Juni 15 2023

PHD’S Louise Twycross-Lewis and Emma Flaxman Named on Campaign’s 40 Over 40 List


Campaign’s 40 over 40 list recognises PHD’s Louise Twycross-Lewis and Emma Flaxman

Congratulations to Louise Twycross-Lewis, Head of Insight, and Emma Flaxman, Marketing, Wellbeing & DEI Partner, at PHD UK, as they have both been named on Campaign Magazine UK’s 40 over 40 list.

Since joining PHD in 2020, Louise has made a significant impact to its Insight offering, growing clients from 19 to 33 and delivering more than 60 projects, including two new business pitch wins for Squarespace and Chanel.

In 2022 Emma was appointed to PHD UK’s board with an extended remit to connect Wellbeing to more DEI areas. This also saw the mental health and social mobility teams partner together to bring in financial well-being and support during the cost-of-living crisis.

Click here to view the full list and find out more.

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