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December 2 2022

Report: Most Contagious 2022


This year’s Most Contagious event promised to distil a year’s worth of advertising insights and trends into just one meticulously-curated-content-filled day of inspiration.

It didn’t disappoint.

The main stage presenters gave us behind the scenes peaks at some of the most talked-about campaigns from the last year, shared their perspectives on what the next twelve months has in store for an uncertain world, and –perhaps most importantly –inspired everyone present to show-up positively by choosing how to react to the challenges that lie before us in the year ahead.

Here is PHD’s Worldwide Chief Marketing Officer, Chris Stephenson’s top five take-outs from the day as we make the leap into 2023.

1. The most interesting thinking and work comes from building on ‘cultural fault-lines’

2. We are on the verge of an AI-driven creative renaissance

3. The purpose of purpose is both purpose and profit growth

4. Great work takes time

5. Solve real-world problems

Complete the form below to download the full report, including perspectives from Paul Cuckoo, Worldwide Head of Analytics and Malcolm Devoy, Chief Planning Officer.

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