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January 27 2023

SHIFT SESSIONS PODCAST: Evolving Ecommerce Strategies


Episode Overview

The impact of eCommerce is unmissable. 

Since the pandemic, millions of us have become reliant on online shopping. 

In fact, in 2021 retail eCommerce sales were an estimated $4.9 trillion US dollars worldwide… and, by 2025, it’s predicted this number will reach approximately $7.4 trillion. 

So how can marketers evolve their ecommerce strategies to maxmise their sales opportunities? 

To find out, in this episode, we speak with Frank Kochenash, CEO of Transact, Omnicom Group’s connected-commerce consulting and eRetail execution service… 

..to understand the latest commerce opportunities and learn how to best integrate eCommerce into overarching marketing and sales activities.  

Key discussion points include

  • How shopping behaviours are changing, and how this is creating new demands within marketing teams. 
  • How to build a successful eCommerce Business Plan (and the skills/roles you need in your teams to activate them). 
  • Best Practice eCommerce Activation examples.

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