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January 20 2023

SHIFT SESSIONS PODCAST: Moving into the Metaverse (and beyond)


Episode Overview

In this episode, we turn our attention to the Metaverse – the virtual world that lets users explore fully functioning, immersive environments.  

And within these spaces, anything is possible.  

From driving cars and walking into virtual retail spaces to going to bars and even booking hotel rooms, the Metaverse promises to reinvent how consumers engage with brand messaging and consumer their content.  

But beyond the hype, what exactly will be possible in the Metaverse? How can marketers get involved at this early stage? And what skills will they need to thrive in this space? 

To answer these questions and more, we speak with Jamie Lyons, Head of Product Development at PHD UK. 

Key Discussion Points include:

  • What is the Metaverse and how does it work? 
  • Best practice examples
  • How to get started in this new world

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