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November 29 2022

The Shift Sessions: Rethinking for Web3


Learn how Web3 will change what consumers expect from brands online – and how to engage successfully in this new world. 

Web3 will change the web as we know it. Because, what makes this version of the web so different, is how it will decentralise information, remove permissions, and give users more control of the communities they belong to.  

From blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, to NFTs and decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs), web3 promises to shift power from big tech companies to consumers. 

But where will that leave brands? How will their consumer relationships change? And what will they need to do to survive? 

To find out, in this episode of The Shift Sessions, we speak with Tony Bailey, Head of Technology at DAS, Omnicom’s Diversified Agency Services group – a web3 maven, who is helping brands around the world prepare for this new world.  

In this 25-minute episode, Bailey explains: 

  • What Web3 really is (and it’s not the metaverse) 
  • How web ownership will change (and what this means for brands) 
  • What consumers will expect from brands in the future (and how to get ready now) 

Listen to ‘Rethinking for Web3’ below, or stream on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Audioboom. 

About The Shift Sessions 

The Shift Sessions is a six-part podcast series from PHD.  

In each episode, released weekly from 1 November – 6 December 2022, PHD’s Pollyanna Ward, Social Account Director, and marketing experts from PHD and the Omnicom Group, explore how and why the function of marketing is shifting, identify the new roles that will dominate teams in the future, and explain how to start building these capabilities today.

Read the launch announcement here. 

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