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September 4 2019

This Week in Digital

News Perspectives
Welcome to This Week in Digital. ‘Likes’ are further being axed from social media platforms, as Facebook is rumoured to hide number of thumbs up. With ‘likes’ already on their way out the door on Instagram, The Drum reflects on what else advertisers can use as a measurement of engagement on socials.
  • Facebook is now reportedly looking to hide likes.
  • Now official, Instagram’s separate messaging app is called Threads, which is ‘meant to promote constant, intimate sharing between users and their closest friends’.
  • ‘When online meets offline’ – Le Tote (an internet rental company) buys America’s oldest department store chain Lord & Taylor.
  • Facebook is testing a screen sharing option on Messenger.
  • Google is running a UK campaign targeting media buyers to remind them not to forget about the importance of search.
  • new feature allows users to share music from Spotify on Facebook Stories.
  • Commerce Cream showcases the best eCommerce experiences on Shopify to ‘help inspire designers, developers and merchants to create amazing things’.

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