PHD London > News > PHD UK win 3 Golds at the Internationalist Awards
April 5 2023

PHD UK win 3 Golds at the Internationalist Awards

Award Wins

This week, the 15th Annual Internationalist Awards for Innovation in Media took place to honour inspiring case studies from around the globe scored for insights, strategy, and results and PHD picked up three golds for our UK clients.

We picked up a win in the Local Execution of a Global Campaign category for our Diageo team who created a campaign to convince UK audiences that Bailey’s isn’t just a grown-up drink to be enjoyed at Christmas.

Their campaign entitled ‘Turning Halloween into Halloqueen’ featured UK drag stars Tia Kofi, Veronica Green, and Asia Thorne enjoying Baileys as an indulgent Halloween treat. The media included a TV ad, hand-painted murals in key LQBTQ+ locations, and a partnership with London social guide, Secret London to showcase the joy of drinking Bailey’s on a night out.

The second gold in the same category was won by our Warner Bros. team for their launch of the Batman film. The campaign entitled ‘Riddled with Intrigue’ used media to focus on telling the story of the bad guy rather than the hero and used clues by the Riddler to bring the excitement of the upcoming release to life.

The campaign featured fly posters that removed the title of the film completely, ads across over 20 entertainment true crime podcasts, a partnership with Channel 4, and a 4-page wrap in the London Evening Standard.

And finally, our team in Manchester picked up a gold in the Local Brand or Service in a Local Market category for their client, Home Instead. The campaign entitled ‘Purple Plaques: Celebrating Lives Well Lived’ included a partnership with Bauer Media’s Greatest Hits Radio and celebrated the lives of those continuing to live incredible lives into their later years by recognising them and celebrating them with their very own purple plaque added to the outside of their homes.

The media included co-branded audio trails and social posts for people to nominate their loved ones and communicated Home Instead’s mission to empower adults with in-home care solutions.

PHD UK were not the only winners of the night. The PHD Network picked up a whopping 18 award wins across the globe with PHD topping the charts for the fifth year in a row, winning ten gold awards, six silvers, and two Grand Prix. 

To learn more about The Internationalist Awards and see the full list of results, click here. 

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