PHD London > News > PHD’s Chris Appleton writes a thought piece on delivering programmatic excellence, published by the Little Black Book
July 31 2023

PHD’s Chris Appleton writes a thought piece on delivering programmatic excellence, published by the Little Black Book

Our People Thought Leadership

Recently, Chris Appleton, our head of programmatic, wrote a thought piece in the Little Black Book on his four methods to optimise and deliver results in the programmatic space.

His piece notes recent changes to programmatic advertising, where open exchange buying has evolved into many different forms. Using extensive research and his existing expertise, Chris outlines four recommendations for marketers and argues that “Open Exchange may not be the shiny new kid on the block, but it may just hold its own against alternatives and will no doubt evolve for the better.”

Read more here: Open Exchange Can Still Be a Key Driver at Delivering Programmatic Excellence | LBBOnline

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