PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD China speeds off with SAIC Volkswagen media account
December 11 2020

PHD China speeds off with SAIC Volkswagen media account

Account Wins

In a highly competitive media review, PHD China has emerged the winner, clinching the media business for automotive company SAIC Volkswagen in China mainland.

Following a multi-agency pitch, the three-year appointment will see PHD take on full media duties (planning and buying) for the Volkswagen and Škoda brands which are manufactured under the joint venture between Volkswagen Group and SAIC Motor.

Leveraging PHD’s proprietary platforms Omni and Omni Studio, PHD China won the pitch by displaying a solid understanding of SAIC Volkswagen’s unique position and business ambition in China. The team delivered a strategic approach to accelerate business results through data-driven insights, human-centric innovation, as well as value-focused investment and activation.

“We are truly honoured to partner SAIC Volkswagen on their ambitious journey in China,” said Claudine Kwek, CEO, Omnicom Media Group China. “Armed with PHD’s challenger mindset and the agency’s focus on innovation, creativity and collaboration, we demonstrated a strategic approach that combines the power of agile data strategies and innovative solutions to unlock new and exciting growth opportunities for their business.”

The appointment is effective immediately and the business will be serviced out of PHD’s office in Shanghai.


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