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October 16 2020

PHD India and ŠKODA present Supermoon in first-of-its-kind drive-in

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After a six month movie blackout due to the nationwide lockdown, PHD India brokered a sponsorship deal with ZEE to deliver the Bollywood premiere of KhaaliPeeli to the big screen.

KhaaliPeeli attracted a full house at the ŠKODA presents Supermoon Drive-In – an initiative with ZEE Live and ZEE Studios. PHD India was instrumental in facilitating this first-of-its-kind drive-in, spanning six shows in the city of Gurugram.

Full safety precautions were in place for the event, and after more than six months absence, finally, the audience got to enjoy an outdoor big-screen experience from the safety of their vehicles.

In collaboration with PHD India, ŠKODA’s branded movie initiative saw significant success, with the first two rows of the sedan category and the first row of the SUV category being reserved specially for ŠKODA cars. The automobile manufacturing brand also achieved amplification through the welcome and ticket booking phases.

Monaz Todywalla, CEO, PHD India said: “We were excited at the prospect of bringing such a one-of-a-kind experience to movie buffs alongside ŠKODA. The entire process and the response to the final event has been such a fulfilling experience for all of us involved. Ensuring and amplifying brand visibility, understanding logistical requirements for the event and collaborating with ZEE Live and ZEE Studios to make the ŠKODA Presents Supermoon Drive-In event a seamless success was altogether an incredible endeavour. We are looking forward to more such productive collaborations.”

Tarun Jha, Head of Product and Marketing of ŠKODA AUTO said of the campaign: “Our whole objective as part of this campaign was to provide a space for people to come out of their homes while maintaining safety norms and social distancing. […] The overall response was absolutely phenomenal. Not only did we succeed in executing this outstanding event superbly, but it was also a special pleasure to enable families to enjoy an outdoor experience after 6 months at home. In light of the pandemic, drive-ins seem to be a very feasible opportunity for people to enjoy the big screen experience without flouting social distancing norms. All in all, we are delighted with the results and look forward to pushing the envelope even further with more such campaigns!”

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