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June 20 2019

PHD Insight: 618 – China’s largest mid-year eCommerce festival

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With Tmall’s sales for this year’s 618 eCommerce festival surpassing last year’s in the first HOUR, the mid-year shopping holiday continues to break records. 2019’s festival saw thousands of new products launched specifically for 618, and consumers went nuts, with over 50% of shoppers purchasing at least one of the new items. This year, over 100 brands hit RMB 100m in sales, proving the unstoppable nature of eCommerce in this massively digitized market.

While you eagerly await the arrival of your packages, check out PHD’s latest infographic, filled with all sorts of fun (cherry sales up 139%!) and surprising (medical cosmetic products sales increased 572%?!) facts about this only-in-China ‘holiday’!

The infographic can be found below, or to download the full sized PDF,  click here.


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