PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD Sweden wins restaurant chain Pinchos
November 13 2020

PHD Sweden wins restaurant chain Pinchos

Account Wins

The PHD Gothenburg office will help app-based restaurant concept Pinchos with its Nordic expansion. The restaurant chain currently has about 70 restaurants in the Nordic region and has brought in PHD to help it achieve further growth.

Viveca Järhult, Marketing Manager at Pincho Nation, explains this is not the first time she has worked with PHD: “In a previous role I worked with the team at PHD and I know that they have the experience and skills required. We need to work long-term with our expansion in new markets but at the same time focus on developing the business in existing and more mature markets.”

Henrik Svensson, Project Manager and Client Manager at PHD Gothenburg, welcomes this new, but old, client: “We are super happy to once again have the chance to collaborate with Viveca and be part of Pincho’s extremely exciting journey forward. We strongly believe in a fast-paced and mutual partnership where we will work closely together to ensure Pincho’s expansion plans.”

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