PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD UK and PHD Sweden nominated for WARC’s Effective Channel Integration shortlist
November 24 2020

PHD UK and PHD Sweden nominated for WARC’s Effective Channel Integration shortlist

Award Wins

In the fifth year of the WARC Media Awards, campaigns from PHD UK and PHD Sweden were two of the shortlisted entries in the newly-announced Effective Channel Integration category.

The WARC Awards 2020 is a comprehensive global awards scheme to reward communications planning which has made a positive impact on business results. The competition will examine the insight, strategy, and analytics that power effective media investment.

PHD Sweden’s campaign for VW Passat Alltrack 4Motion ‘The No Show Room’ used a multichannel campaign based on a scavenger hunt to grow consideration and sales of its winter range of cars and in particular, its Passat Alltrack model in Sweden.

PHD UK’s ‘Confused to Clarity’ campaign for price comparison website, Confused.com, rediscovered its challenger mentality to increase its market share and revenue in the UK.

A full list of the shortlisted papers can be seen on WARC Media Awards website.

The WARC Media Awards is a comprehensive set of awards covering four categories: Best Use of Data, Effective Channel Integration, Effective Use of Tech, and Effective Use of Partnerships & Sponsorships. Each category will have a Gold/Silver/Bronze award system, with a $10,000 prize fund in each category for the best overall entries.

Further shortlists will be announced over the coming weeks.



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