PHD Media Worldwide > News > PHD wins five Media Lions at 2021 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity
June 22 2021

PHD wins five Media Lions at 2021 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity


PHD is celebrating after picking up an incredible five Media Lions in Cannes for their work with Volkswagen and HSBC. The agency scooped two Gold and three Bronze.

PHD UK’s ‘Media That Eats Pollution’ campaign for Volkswagen’s ID.3 picked up a Gold and a Bronze Media Lion in the Use of Print/Outdoor and Automotive categories respectively. PHD Sweden’s Volkswagen Passat Alltrack ‘The No Show Room’ campaign scooped two Bronze, the first in Automotive and the second in Use of Stunts.

HSBC and PHD UK were triumphant in the Use of Print/Outdoor winning Gold for their ‘Addressing the “No Fixed Address” Problem’ campaign.

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