PHD Media Worldwide > News > REPORT: Creativity Unwrapped – Unwrapping the most effective creative work from Cannes 2022
October 14 2022

REPORT: Creativity Unwrapped – Unwrapping the most effective creative work from Cannes 2022


Download this 12-page guide and learn how creativity can power marketing effectiveness

Creativity is fundamental to marketing, advertising, and media. It communicates brands and products in compelling and innovative ways. Creativity grows businesses and transforms categories. It challenges us, inspires us, surprises us, and delights us. It connects us to ideas and each other. Creativity can change the world.

In Creativity Unwrapped, the four-part podcast series from PHD, PHD’s Worldwide Chief Marketing Officer Chris Stephenson, explored the role of creativity in marketing with perspectives from world-class industry leaders, combined with analysis of Grand Prix winners from this year’s Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.

Now, in this 12-page wrap report, he unpacks this topic further, by pulling out the key campaigns discussed within the series and highlighting what makes them special.

Complete the form below to download the report.

Listen to the ‘Creativity Unwrapped’ series, available now on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Podcasts, and Audioboom.

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