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October 23 2020

ŠKODA India partners with PHD India to launch WhatsApp bot for customer engagement

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With the lockdown and social distancing norms keeping customers at home, ŠKODA Auto India and PHD India have come together to launch an all-new WhatsApp bot for the automobile manufacturer’s customer engagement.

Meant for both current owners of ŠKODA vehicles and for prospective buyers, the WhatsApp Chat service provides easy and convenient access for customers in need of information. The service also ensures that consumers can avail of automated customer-care on a 24/7 basis. This tool is not only expected to boost overall customer engagement and improve communication, but it will also strengthen marketing via automation.

Speaking about the launch, Tarun Jha, Head of Marketing at ŠKODA India said, “In times like these, it’s important to turn to innovative, new solutions every day. With the WhatsApp Bot, we want to reassure our customers that we are always available and easily accessible for any query they may have.”

Monaz Todywalla, CEO PHD Media India, said of the collaboration, “We are delighted at this opportunity to work with ŠKODA and integrate smooth automation into the customer experience. With the WhatsApp Bot, we are essentially automating marketing with Aided Product Discovery, all the while making the communication process seamless for the customer.”

She added, “The new service also promises to engage consumers significantly more because of the graphical output and easy notifications for opt-in users. ŠKODA is all set to reach a whole new realm of customers, and we are excited to be a part of the journey.”

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