PHD Media Sweden > News > PHD Sweden wins Folkspel, Bingolotto and Sverigelotten
April 8 2019

PHD Sweden wins Folkspel, Bingolotto and Sverigelotten


PHD has been chosen to be with the leading Media Agency partner to Folkspel, Bingolotto and Sverigelotten and advise them in this new phase of Swedish gaming market after the re-regulation.

Henrik Lindroth Marketing Manager for Folk Games comments:
“The re-regulation on the Swedish gaming market has created new opportunities, not least for a non-profit gaming company like us with a value base that differentiates us from the rest of the industry. We have chosen PHD as a partner to continue our journey to make Swedish association life better for everyone”

I am extremely proud and happy that we have had the opportunity to start a partnership with Folkspel. It is a dream customer for us at the office in Gothenburg” says Ingela Urholm Johansson, Head of PHD’s office in Gothenburg.

“In the past month, PHD has been named Media Network of the Year by Cristal, Campaign and Eurobest. This collaboration with Folkspel shows once again that we have succeeded in consolidating the role of “The Challenger” in both markets Stockholm and Gothenburg,” says Adam Fors CEO of PHD Sweden .

The collaboration begins in April and includes Folk Games, Bingolotto and Sverigelotten. About Folkspel: Folkspel is a non-profit gaming company with no private interests with 73 national organizations as members. The entire surplus goes back to the clubs and associations that sell Bingolotto and Sverigelotten. Since its foundation in 1990, Folkspel has distributed SEK 16.4 billion to Swedish Föreningsliv, an Association which contributes for Swedish people to have a more healthy life.

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Dagens Media





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