PHD Media Sweden > News > Meet Madeleine Ardby, from our Pioneer Program
August 19 2019

Meet Madeleine Ardby, from our Pioneer Program


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Interview: Tell us about yourself

The short version, I’m born and raised in Skåne (Perstorp more exactly, famous for ättika and Perstorpsplattan). I moved to Malmö straight after high school and spent a few years jumping between studying, living abroad and working within retail. Finally deciding to get into some serious studying, I did three years at Lund University and then two at the Norwegian School of Economics.  

I’ve been a professional horse rider, competed at the elite level in dressage. Things that makes me extra happy is the nature, I do some photography on my spare time and traveling and (even better) living abroad. I work out quite a bit too, running is probably my favorite exercise.

What is the Pioneer Program?

It’s a trainee program, jointly founded by Schibsted (Publisher), Omnicom Media Group (PHD Owner) and NORD DDB (Creative agency). This program is open for people who has just graduated or with a maximum of two years working experience within media.

The philosophy behind the program is for the participants to get a 360 degrees view on the media ecosystem, to get a high level of understanding for every part of the communication process. The participants should be able to work at any of these companies after finalizing the 18 months within the program.

Why did you choose joining this program?

To get into a trainee program after I graduating was my goal. I wanted to continue a steep learning curve, and get the opportunity to see a variety of positions before deciding on a path that suits me.

It’s also a great way to kick-start a career to move faster towards more senior positions. With the Pioneer Program specifically, I saw the opportunity to add the Marketing and Media experience as a great complement to my degree within strategy. I was also attracted to the rare opportunity not only to get experience from different positions, but also different companies.

How has your program been so far?

This program is not only a new experience for us trainees, the program is also new for the companies. This means a learning for all of us.

It’s interesting to be a part of building something new, it’s sometimes also a challenge. But, I’ve met some great people, especially the other five trainees within the program. I have learnt a lot and I have now a better understanding for what I’d like to do.  

I am excited to see how the Pioneer Program will develop, and how I will look at the experience in retrospect.

What do you feel is your most valuable knowledge from this time ?

I highly value the experience of getting to know three different companies. Seeing and understanding different companies’ cultures helps to understand where I fit in and what is important to me.

I can see that I have developed and learnt a lot about the world of Media, as well as about myself in working life. I can better understand where I see myself in the future and what I need to perform and develop.

Why do you think PHD is a good place to do your placement?

This is tricky to answer I just been at PHD for two weeks . However, my first impression is that it’s an open and friendly environment, which is a great foundation, in particular when you have a limited amount of time to both learn, perform and develop.

I also believe that being part of a Media agency is a good crash course to understand the foundation of Marketing and the challenges the ever changing media landscape creates.

Are you interested to join us, apply at: PHD Positions

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