PHD London > News > PHD UK Awarded IPA CPD Gold Accreditation
April 26 2022

PHD UK Awarded IPA CPD Gold Accreditation

All News Award Wins Recruitment

The IPA CPD Gold scheme recognises and rewards agencies who demonstrate a genuine culture of learning, bettering the professionalism, development and reputation of the industry enhancing clients’ brands and agencies’ worth as a result.

PHD was one of only 35 agencies to gain the Gold accreditation across 2020.

The IPA said “Anyone achieving Gold has not only produced and delivered an incredible CPD programme, but also an incredible business case, clearly demonstrating the value of a commitment to people in making a successful business for the future. I commend you all and you should share your success stories widely – they (you) are all phenomenal..”

Abba Newbery, Chief Marketing Officer, Habito and Chair of Judges for CPD Gold 2021

You can see the full list of CPD Gold Agencies here.

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