
Pizza Hut: Outranking with flavour

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PHD Media New Zealand > Work > Pizza Hut: Outranking with flavour

Smart shopping strategy preserves Pizza Hutt’s slice of the market

Pizza Hut: Outranking with flavour

The situation:

Iconic quick service restaurant brand Pizza Hut was losing significant online sales to the aggressive tactics of a cut-throat competitor. How could we remind Pizza Hut’s customers of the deliciousness of their pizza and boost online sales at the same time, without ‘racing to the bottom’ in a costly search bidding war?​

The approach:

Blind tasting shows that Pizza Hut’s product beats the others. We just needed to give scrolling customers a visual reminder of the pizza they already prefer, in order to neutralise the temptation of discount offers from competitor brands. The innovative campaign, which saw PHD pick up Silver awards for both Creative Media Idea and Best Use of Search Engine Marketing at the 2021 Beacon Advertising Awards, involved building a first-of-its-kind google shopping feed for Pizza Hut products, to create clickable images of delicious pizza at the top of search pages. The visual impact and top-most position of the shopping feed has significantly improved click-through rates and sales while decreasing Pizza Hut’s spend on paid search engine listings​.


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