McCain Foods has launched a new campaign in support of everyone in the UK who is doing their best to adapt to the new normal. The ‘Here’s to Everyone’ campaign celebrates home schoolers, home aloners, couples, key workers, back yard exercisers and virtually connecting families with an encouraging message of getting through it together. The ad was voiced by Ricky Tomlinson who even recorded it from his own home.
With an ad created by Adam & Eve DDB, the campaign was planned and executed by McCain and PHD. It initially launched on VOD, and has been followed by TV spots which reach families sheltering at home and programmes teaching lessons and life skills, such as Channel 4’s Grayson Perry, Kirsty Allsopp and Jamie Oliver.
The campaign is the first executed against McCain’s new global brand platform of ‘Togetherness’ and used footage taken from previous campaigns, which was edited and scripted by employees working from home.
“We think this campaign manages to strike just the right tone in acknowledging the new stay at home reality that the nation is facing, with a subtle and uplifting message,” said PHD Business Director, Lucy Brown. “It made a few of us teary eyed when we watched it, but that could just be us.”