PHD United Kingdom > News > PHD UK extends remit with British Heart Foundation
July 9 2021

PHD UK extends remit with British Heart Foundation


Following a competitive review, PHD UK has doubled the size of its account with the British Heart Foundation by winning its fundraising media business. PHD UK already works with the foundation on the media for its brand advertising.

The charity recently aligned its fundraising, marketing and communications teams under the direction of Claire Sadler, the former Direct Line for Business marketing director, who joined as executive director of marketing, fundraising and engagement in January 2021.

Sadler said: “We were extremely impressed by [PHD’s] track record of delivering cost-effective but immensely powerful campaigns and by the ambition and depth of strategic thinking and practical application they showed in response to our brief.

“Bringing together our fundraising and brand marketing teams will enable a more integrated marketing strategy that will inspire greater support for our cause and bigger impact from our fundraising initiatives.”

PHD has worked with the British Heart Foundation on the media for its brand advertising since 2008. It conceived and handled the media for the 24 Hours in A&E: Heart Special on Channel 4.

Hugh Cameron, chairman of PHD, said: “PHD and the British Heart Foundation have a rich history of distinctive work together, and it is a real privilege to be able to extend our relationship to this wider integrated remit and help play a bigger, broader part in how science can save lives.”

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