
Inventory Management

PHD Media Czech Republic > Services > Inventory Management

What it is

Inventory Management is the advanced capability in the management of digital inventory. 

At PHD, this ranges from exclusion and inclusion curation based on an extended range of criteria to providing complete visibility of the digital supply chain.

Our proprietary scenario planning tool,  ‘Omni Inventory Planner’, allows us to remove any unnecessary costs. 

How it leads to growth

Our inventory management services enable us to make an intelligent selection of the most appropriate and most cost-effective routes to our client’s audiences.

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Our services

Management cílových skupin

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Commerce Planning and Execution

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Obchodní strategie

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Obsahová spolupráce

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Datová analýza

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Implementační plánování médií

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Inventory Management

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Měření a reporting

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Ad Operations

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Mediální vyjednávání a nákup

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Poradenství pro organizace

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Sponzoring a partnerství

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Strategické plánování médií

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Technology Consultancy

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